ATF eForm 1 Application Statuses Explained

When you apply for a tax stamp using the ATF's eForm website of your tax stamp, the below status updates are the status that you may experience and we describe each below.

ATF eForm 1 Application Statuses:

  • PENDING RESEARCH - Your tax stamp application has been received and entered into the ATF's system, but requires further research by the ATF before your application can be changed to the SUBMITTED/IN PROCESS status.  This status can happen if you use manufacturer code, "FMI", or if you have checked the box, "My item description is not in the list, create new item."  the PENDING RESEARCH phase can range from 2 to 7 business days on average* to move to SUBMITTED/IN PROCESS.  *Due to current delays pending research is now 90+ days to move to SUBMITTED/IN PROCESS.  
  • SUBMITTED/IN PROCESS - Your tax stamp application has been submitted to the ATF and is either awaiting your fingerprint cards or is in process of being approved.  This phase lasts on average ~32 days.  But can be approved sooner or later than the average 32 days.  
  • APPROVED - Your tax stamp application is approved.  Your tax stamp is emailed to you as a .PDF attachment.  Note: You will need to view the email on a computer.  Some phones and devices, won't show the tax stamp .PDF attachment. 
  • DISAPPROVED - Your tax stamp application has been denied.  The ATF will email you your denied application as a .PDF attachment.  Your application will have the disapproved box check and may have the verbiage - "See the attached page for the reason for the disapproval."  The attached page will be the last page in the .PDF attachment.  This will contain the reason why your tax stamp was disapproved.  From there you can understand what you need to change and reapply.  
  • WITHDRAWN - Your tax stamp application has been withdrawn. 

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