When traveling, transporting, and using your NFA approved firearms, you should always carry a copy of your approved tax stamp and copy of your gun trust paperwork/certification of your gun trust. This is a requirement that needs to be abided by, in order to avoid any issues.
The best way to preserve your paperwork when you are traveling, transporting, and using your approved NFA firearms is to have your paperwork laminated. Our gun trust lamination service includes the gun trust itself, assignment sheets, contribution to the trust, etc aren't included. Along with our lamination services we can, also shrink your paperwork to a smaller size to further enhance the transportability of your paperwork. Having your paperwork laminated and shrunk, also allows you have another copy of your paperwork for your files. Because generally speaking you should always keep your original ATF Form 1, ATF Form 4, and/or NFA Gun Trust paperwork in a safe and secure location and should only be used in limited situations.
Our gun trust paperwork lamination services also includes the lamination of your ATF Form 1 or ATF Form 4 paperwork if you chose that option. Your laminated paperwork will ship within 1 business day of ordering/receiving your paperwork to be laminated and includes tracking information. Quanity uploaded should match the quantity ordered, e.g. two uploaded tax stamps to be laminated would be a quantity of two when ordering. We laminate your ATF Form 1/4 and/or NFA Gun Trust Paperwork with high-quality 5mil thick lamination. This service is intended to accompany our NFA Gun Trust paperwork, however we can still laminate your paperwork if you already have a gun trust setup or have approved tax stamps that you want laminated. Laminated Paperwork Does Not Include "National Gun Trusts" Branding. Gun trusts from other companies may need to be printed two pages per sheet depending on the length of the trust.
Lamination Service Benefits:
Available Options and Sizes:
- ATF Form 1 & NFA Gun Trust Lamination - Full Size or Shrunk
- ATF Form 4 & NFA Gun Trust Lamination - Full Size or Shrunk
- NFA Gun Trust Lamination Only - Full Size or Shrunk
- Full Size - 8.9" x 11.4"
- Shrunk Size - 5" x 7"
- Product Photos show the two different sizes for the gun trust lamination and the two different sizes for the approved tax stamp lamination.