Protecting and keeping your NFA Gun Trust is very important. We recommend to not only have your NFA Gun Trust laminated to protect it from the elements when you are you using the contents of your NFA Gun Trust, but to also protect your NFA Gun Trust and ATF Approved Tax Stamps that you keep in your safe. This NFA Gun Trust professional binder is intended to be used with our NFA Gun Trusts, but we can take your current NFA Gun Trust and create a professionally bound binder for all of your NFA Gun Trust Paperwork. This is the perfect product to help keep everything that your NFA Gun Trust owns organized and in one safe and protected binder. Do yourself and your successor trustee a favor with this professional NFA Gun Trust binder package for your NFA Gun Trust.
What is Included:
- Three-Ring Binder with the name of your Gun Trust on the Binder for non-executive binders. Executive binders will be zippered binders.
- Standard Binder, Black executive or Brown executive zippered binders are available.
- A laminated copy of your notarized NFA Gun Trust to be used in the field.
- Three printed copies of your notarized NFA Gun Trust to be used in conjunction with your ATF Form 1, ATF Form 4 or ATF Form 5 paperwork.
- Printed NFA Gun Trust amendments.
- NFA Gun Trust copies are printed on 32lb paper and amendments/assignment sheets are printed on heavy 110lb paper.
- 25 Acid Free Sheet Protectors for your original NFA Gun Trust and your original ATF Tax Stamps.
- Professional Dividers to separate your NFA Gun Trust and ATF Tax Stamp paperwork.
LOKSAK aLOKSAK Element-Proof Storage Bag, specifically - LOKSAK aLOKSAK aLOKD2-13x11 - 2 qty - 13.5" x 11.5" bags or LOKSAK aLOKSAK aLOKD2-12x12 - 2 qty - 12" x 12.5" bags depending on current inventory.
- 1 Set of ATF Compliant FD-258 Paper Fingerprinting Cards with ATF NFA ORI and ink pad.
- 1 Set of Passport Photos for each responsible person named in your gun trust, if needed and requested.