ATF eForm 1 FINAL RULE 2021R08F - Electronic Documentation Page

When applying for the ATF eForm 1 FINAL RULE 2021R08F tax stamp, you will need to upload your gun trust on the electronic documents section, as usual.   But now you will need to upload documentary evidence that the gun trust own owned the firearm before January 31, 2023 when the rule was published to the federal register.  The evidence will be uploaded separately from your gun trust paperwork.  You will be using the document type "Other" when upload the documentary evidence.  If you don't upload the documentary evidence then you won't be able to complete the application as a gun trust and you will also see the error, "The Trust must upload the documentary evidence that the Trust possessed the firearm before January 31, 2023.  Please use "Other" on the Document Type drop-down to submit the possession evidence.

Screen 6 Electronic Documents

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