ATF eFrom Filing with a FFL License Requires Additional Information

If you are planning to use the ATF eForm site to eFile your ATF 5320.1 with your FFL  license instead of as individual or through a NFA Gun Trust, then you will need to submit additional information to the ATF.  

After registering your username/password with ATF eForm site you will need to follow the below instructions to submit your FFL information to the ATF.  Note:  This information will be emailed to you a few days after you have registered on the ATF eForm website. 

Excerpts from the aforementioned email are below:

If you wish to submit forms as or on behalf of a Federal Firearms licensee (FFL), the ATF approval of a second step is needed for you to:

  • import firearms, ammunition or defense articles
  • manufacture, import or deal in National Firearms Act (NFA) firearms; or
  • file the annual report required of Federally licensed manufacturers.

To submit forms as or on behalf of an FFL, you will need to request the association of your user ID (which you received upon registration) to the specific Federal Firearms License (FFL) and Employer Identification Number (EIN) (if applicable) or Arms Export Control Act registration.  See the attached guide for the procedures to submit the association request (linked here).  Anticipate 2-3 workdays for the processing of the association request.  A notification email will be generated upon the finalization of the request. 

The association request will be routed in the system to ATF for approval.  Once final action is taken, the submitter will receive an email notification of the action.

Upon approval, the FFL information will then appear for selection in a drop-down listing within the form submission process.

    If the association request is for NFA form submission, the licensee’s NFA inventory will also be available for the submitter to select the firearm to be transferred.

    The available eForms are:

    • For NFA: Form 1, Form 2, Form 3, Form 5 (may only be submitted by an      FFL for a transfer to a government agency), Form 9 and Form 10 (NOTE: Form 4 is not availableat this time)
    • For Imports: Form 6 and Form 6A
    • Annual Firearms Manufacturing and Exportation Report (Form 5300.11)

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