Does the CLEO on the eForm 1 Require the +4 Zip For the CLEO's Mailing Address?
When applying using the ATF eForm 1 website you will need to manually enter in the CLEO information for your CLEO on the CLEO tab of the eForm 1 timeline (as shown below). Your CLEO may or may not display a +4 Zip Code with their address on their website, which might be confusing, since the CLEO tab requests this information. The +4 Zip Code for the CLEO however isn't required at this time. There is no asterisk next to this field indicating that this field isn't required. You can however include the +4 Zip Code in the highlighted box if you choose to do so. You can search for the +4 Zip Code here.
Photo Taken from our ATF eForm 1 NFA Tax Stamp Walk-Through Guide.