.EFT File Error - Illegal characters found: "--" in Field 'T2_SOC' / Data length too long. Length is 11 must between 9-9 in Field 'T2_SOC'
If you are uploading an .EFT File and see this error - Code: 1013 | Description: Illegal characters found: "--" in Field 'T2_SOC' IDC:0 | and/or 2. Code: 1006 | Description: Data length too long. Length is 11 must between 9-9 in Field 'T2_SOC' IDC:0 | (see below). In order to fix this error, you need to be able to edit the .EFT File to update field Social Field to correct the SSN within the .EFT File. With this error the SSN was formatted as - 234-56-7891, for example. To fix this issue the "-" between the numbers needs to be removed, e.g. 234567891. This will fix error Code 1013 and error Code 1006, which indicates that the Social field needs to be only 9 characters long.
If you are getting this error and unable to edit your .EFT File, we can help you with our .EFT File Change Service.