Firearm Engraving and Cerakote Resources
We are asked all of the time where one can get their firearm engraved or cerakoted. We are always vetting new vendors that we can point our customers to if they need help with engraving their gun trust names on their firearms or cerakote their firearms. Below is a growing list of vetted vendors for engraving and cerakote needs.
Engraving services include: 80% Engraving, SBR/SBR Engraving, Polymer/Plastic Receiver Engraving, Logo-Image Engraving, Suppressor Tube Engraving, and Suppressor End Cap Engraving.
Laser Used: Tykma 20 Watt Fiber Laser
Shipping: Firearms can be shipped to Tar Heel State Firearms for engraving. Tar Heel State Firearms will then ship your firearms back to you after the work has been performed.
Engraving, Cerakote and Gold Plating:
Engraving services include: 80% Engraving, SBR/SBR Engraving, Polymer/Plastic Receiver Engraving, Logo-Image Engraving, Suppressor Tube Engraving.
Laser Used: 50 Watt Fiber Laser and a 60 Watt Mopa Laser
24K Gold Plating Bath System
Cerakoting Services
Shipping: Firearms can be shipped to BlackDuck Armory for engraving, cerakoting, and gold plating. BlackDuck Armory will then ship your firearms back to you after the work has been performed.