National Firearms Act (NFA) Forms Processed - 2009 - 2014 Infographic

National Firearms Act (NFA) Forms Processed

2009 - 2014

States are relaxing laws on the possession of short-barreled rifles and shotguns which fall under the National Firearms Act (NFA).

Annual Amount of NFA Forms Processed, by year:

  • 2009 - 7,000
  • 2010 - 9,000
  • 2011 - 10,000
  • 2012 - 14,000
  • 2013 - 16,000
  • 2014 - 24,000

In addition, the legalization of silencers for hunting in about 40 states had led to a significant increase in the processing of NFA forms.

Average processing time for NFA forms 1 and 4 = 5 months

79% of all NFA transfers involved in silencers from 2009 - 2014

In Fiscal Year 2014:

  • 1,383,677 NFA Firearms Processed
  • 26 Legal Instruments Examiners
  • 221,260 NFA Applications Received
  • $31.8 million Collected in NFA Taxes and Deposited to the U.S. Treasury Fund

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