What NFA Firearms are Permitted by Each State?


Alabama Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes AOWs disguised as walking canes are illegal
Alaska Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Arizona Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Arkansas Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes MGs may not have ammunition bigger than .30 in. or 7.63 mm unless the gun is registered to an ammunition corporation
California Yes* No C&R* C&R* Yes C&R MGs, SBRs and SBSs may be obtained with a "Dangerous Weapons Permit" but it is rarely granted. DDs, SBRs and SBSs on the C&R list may be obtained with a C&R FFL
Colorado Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Connecticut No* Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes SBR, SBS, DD, suppressors are legal, provided they also comply with the assault weapons provisions, unless purchased before October 1, 1993. Machine guns are legal if purchased and registered with the state before January 1, 2014.
Delaware No No Yes No Yes No SBRs are illegal within the city limits of Willmington
District of Columbia No No No No No No
Florida Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Georgia Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Hawaii No No No No Yes Yes
Idaho Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Illinois No No Yes No Yes Yes* SBRs allowed only for C&R license holders. Only large-bore DDs are allowed
Indiana Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Iowa No Yes Yes Yes No No
Kansas Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Kentucky Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Louisiana Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Maine Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Maryland Yes* Yes Yes* Yes* Yes Yes Machine guns must be registered with the state police within 48 hours of taking possession. Short barrel rifles must be greater than 29" OAL unless possessed and made before Oct 1, 2013 (rimfires are an exception). SBRs and SBSs cannot be "copycat weapons" as defined by their AWB. Some classes of MGs may be unable to be purchased beginning 10/1/2018 due to a new bump stock ban.
Massachusetts Yes* No Yes Yes Yes Yes* Some destructive devices are banned at the state level, while others are banned at a local level. DD's can be completely illegal or legal depending on what town you live in. A machine gun license is required to possess a MG.
Michigan Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes All guns that are shorter than 26" in the shortest usable condition(SBS, SBR, AOW, handguns, firearms, and MGs) must be registered as pistols with the police.
Minnesota C&R Yes Yes C&R Yes Yes* Machine guns and short-barreled shotguns, unless designated Curios & Relics, are prohibited. Some destructive devices are prohibited.
Mississippi Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Missouri Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Montana Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Nebraska Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Nevada Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
New Hampshire Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
New Jersey Yes* No No No Yes No Possession of a machine gun requires a state license, which is granted on a may issue basis by a county superior court judge. Machine gun licenses are extremely difficult to obtain.
New Mexico Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
New York No No No No Yes* Yes* Destructive devices are permitted except for rockets with greater than 3 ounces of propellant, which are prohibited. AOW's are legal to own but are still required to be on a pistol permit. AOW's disguised as non-firearms are illegal.
North Carolina Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
North Dakota Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ohio Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Oklahoma Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Oregon Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Pennsylvania Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes* Bombs are prohibited as Offensive Weapons
Rhode Island No No No No No No
South Carolina Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
South Dakota Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Tennessee Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Texas Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Utah Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Vermont Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Virginia Yes* Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes* Fully-automatic firearms (machine guns) must be registered with the state police. Plastic firearms and some destructive devices (such as the striker 12 shotgun) are prohibited outside law enforcement
Washington No* Yes Yes No* Yes Yes Machine guns and short-barreled shotguns, unless purchased before July 1, 1994, are illegal for non-law-enforcement possession.
West Virginia Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Wisconsin Yes* Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Machine guns allowed, but may not shoot pistol cartridges and may not be possessed aggressively or offensively.
Wyoming Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes



  • MG: Machine Gun

  • SUPP: Suppressor

  • SBR: Short Barreled Rifle

  • SBS: Short Barreled Shotgun

  • AOW: Any Other Weapon

  • DD: Destructive Device

  • C&R: Curios & Relics

Current as of January 2024 and created by u/jrd32687 from the Reddit NFA Sub

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