UPIN VAF Application Walk-Through Guide
To apply for a UPIN, you will need to use the Voluntary Appeal File (VAF). You can apply on paper or by simply using the online eVAF application.
Apply Online | Paper Application
Apply OnlineYou can apply to the VAF online via eVAF. During the application process, you will receive an email with an encrypted link and pin to access your application. You must log in to the application at least every 90 days for it to remain active.
Screen 1 VAF Application. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen. You will need to enter in your email address on the right side of the "Applying for the Voluntary Appeal File (VAF)" section of the website. Note: You will be receiving an email with a login link and pin to the email address that you enter on this page. So make sure your email address is correctly entered here.
Screen 2 Email Submission Confirmation. Check your email for your application link and password. The email will be coming from edo@services.fbi.gov with subject line Identity History Summary/Firearm-Related Challenge Request. This email will contain the link to complete your application and your application PIN number.
Screen 3 Logging In to the VAF Application. You will click the link that is located in the email that was sent to you. Once you click the link, you will need to read and acknowledge the popup message before continuing to enter your PIN number. You will lastly need to enter in your PIN that was also located in the email to continue and login.
Screen 4 Challenge Details. You have three options after clicking login. For a UPIN VAF application, you will be selecting the second radio button: Apply for Voluntary Appeal File (VAF). After selecting the second radio button, you will need to read and accept the Privacy Act Statement to continue.
Screen 5 Completing the eVAF Form. You will need to complete each box that has a red box around it. The boxes are self explanatory but also have a detailed explanation below in the paper application section. For the Supporting Documentation section you can upload any documentation that is relevant to your application. Which may consist of the below:
- Attorney Release Form
- Types of Documents Based on Prohibitor
- Completed FD-258 Fingerprint Cards - "Fingerprints taken with ink or via live scan are acceptable. If your fingerprints are taken via a live scan device, a hard-copy must be generated so the fingerprint card can be mailed to the FBI. If you need help converting your .EFT File to a physically printed fingerprint card, you can simply order that here.
Once you have completed this form, you can click submit. You would need to verify your mailing address, date of birth and social security number. After you have verified that information you can click yes. Another confirmation will popup to verify that you want to apply for the Voluntary Appeal File (VAF) Application. Click yes to continue.

Screen 6 Submission Confirmation. You will need to send your physical fingerprint card along with a copy of the confirmation email that was sent to your email to the address below. You can download your original request application for your records too.
Your physical fingerprint card and confirmation email would need to be mailed to the address below:
FBI CJIS Division
ATTN: Criminal History Analysis Team
1 BTC 3
1000 Custer Hollow Road
Clarksburg, West Virginia 26306
Post Application. Your application is submitted after you hit submit. The fingerprint card can must be physically mailed into the FBI with your confirmation email (see above step).
You can also use the application link and pin to check the status of your application and cancel your application if you need to cancel your application.
You can apply using the paper application. The paper application would be completed and mailed to the FBI. The .PDF can be downloaded and completed using a .PDF editor. But note that the Applicant's statement must be physically signed and dated.
Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, Suffix (Cadence). This your last name, first name, middle name and cadence. Cadence includes Jr, Sr, II (second), III (third), etc.
Date of Birth - Month, Day, Year. This is our birth date formatted numerically, e.g. 08 02 2023.
Place of Birth (State). This is your birth state. Don't include your birth city.
State of Residence. This is the state that you reside in.
Country of Citizenship. This is your current citizenship.
Social Security Number. This is your social security number.
Miscellaneous Number. This other identification numbers that you have, for example: Driver's License, Military ID, etc.
Alien or Admissions Number (*mandatory if Country of Citizenship is other than US). This is your AR, USCIS, or I-94A Number. If you are an alien, record your U.S.-Issued Alien or Admission Number you will enter that here.
Race. This is your race.
Ethnicity. This is your ethnicity.
Sex. This is your sex.
Applicant's Address (for receiving correspondence). This is your best contact mailing address, phone number, and email address. This may differ from your drivers license, etc.
Applicant's Statement. You will need so sign and date this section and is required. If the required signature is absent, the application cannot be processed and will be returned to the applicant.
"I give the information on this Voluntary Appeal File (VAF) application, and any supporting documentation provided therewith, voluntarily with the understanding that if my application is approved, I will be entered into the VAF maintained by the National Instant Criminal Background Check System Section of the FBI's Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division. I further voluntarily consent that the FBI may retain my application, any supporting documentation, and any research information relevant to the approval of my VAF application. I further understand if, at any time, I wish to be removed from the VAF, I can make such a request in writing to the FBI's CJIS Division, at the address below. I also understand if a disqualifying record is discovered after my entry into the VAF, the FBI's CJIS Division may remove my information from the VAF."
You will need to physically sign in ink and date these last two boxes.
Mailing Instructions:
Your physical fingerprint card and the completed Voluntary Appeal File (VAF) Application Form will be mailed to the below address.
FBI CJIS Division
ATTN: Criminal History Analysis Team
1 BTC 3
1000 Custer Hollow Road
Clarksburg, West Virginia 26306
Application Notes:
After reviewing the application and fingerprint card and validating the materials submitted by the applicant, the NICS Section will enter successful applicants into the VAF. The applicant will be notified by mail if their application qualifies for entry into the VAF.Entry into the VAF will not automatically result in a proceed response on subsequent purchases. A complete NICS check is still required and will result in a denial if additional prohibitive information is discovered.
The NICS Section is required to destroy any records submitted to the VAF upon written request of the individual. Additionally, if the NICS Section discovers a disqualifying record on the individual after their entry into the VAF, the NICS Section may remove the individual’s information from the file.