Source: “Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.” Current Processing Times | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives,
If you are receiving - Code: 1013 | Description: Illegal characters found: " " in Field 'T1_ORI', you will need to have the .EFT File corrected. If you have an .EFT File editor, you can edi...
As of December 16th, the ATF's eForm site is down for an unknown reason or amount of time. The ATF's eForm site is normally down for maintenance on Wednesday's. This issue is outside of the norma...
The ATF updated the ATF Application forms early this year [February 2024] which included the ATF Form 1, ATF Form 4, and the ATF Form 5. Since the revision took place in February, the ATF Distribut...